Reach Your Friends

Do you have a heart to reach your friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ but find yourself stuck on how to reach them? We have designed this website to equip you with simple tools to evangelize your friends, neighbors, family, and colleagues.

Our model is simple. It is intended to break down the steps in our relationships where we create the best environment to share the gospel with our friends. You will learn to build trust, invite friends to encounter Jesus, preach the gospel, and do good follow-up to help them place their faith in Jesus.

Four ways we want to equip the church in evangelism

Get trained on this website

You can utilize all of the resources on this website, including the four training modules at no cost (and a bonus training). If you would like to make a donation, we would gladly accept your generosity.

Mobilize your fellowship

We can customize this training for a small group, medium group or your entire church. The training includes an initial consultation and four monthly 90-minute trainings.

Steal this website

You might like the way that this website can be a standalone training for your church. We can export and brand this website to operate as part of your training curriculum. In addition to giving you all of this material for your platform, we will set up a 90-minute consultation on how to train your fellowship through the “Reach Your Friends” curriculum.

Evangelism Consultation

We begin with a 60-minute consultation to understand your particular reality. From there, we will create a custom plan using “Reach Your Friends” to train and coach your fellowship in evangelism.