Get Trained

Reach Your Friends is a 5 unit training session to equip you to reach your friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We recommend that you train through this platform over the course of 5 weeks — one training a week. The reason for this is because we want you to apply what you are learning along the way, rather than binge the training. Begin your training today!

Unit 1 – What is Evangelism?
Unit 2 – Build Trust
Unit 3 – Invite to Jesus
Unit 4 – Preach the Gospel
Unit 5 – Follow-Up


Is it really free?
Yes. Everything is free on this website. We want to train and equip you to reach more of your friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We welcome any gifts that help us sustain this website. We also offer personalized trainings for churches and small groups at different price points.

Why are you using Google Forms?
We wanted to make these modules easy to use and fill out. Google forms are an easy way to share the information with mentors and leaders who are overseeing the trainings. This website is intentionally created to be simple, lean and nimble to maximize the number of people we can equip for evangelism.

What information will you share?
If you are familiar with Google Forms, anything that you enter is stored in a database. We will purge the database once a month of all data. However, we will add your name and email to our mailing list to inform you of further training opportunities. You can opt-out or unsubscribe at any time?

How effective is this training?
You tell us. We would love your feedback on how our training is helping strengthen your evangelistic call.

Can I preview the course real quick?
Yes, read our three page write-up.

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