Let’s Partner

While everything is free on this website, there are three key opportunities where can collaborate and partner to equip your fellowship in evangelism using the Reach Your Friends model. Fill out an interest form to get a consultation regarding next steps.

Mobilize Your Fellowship
We can customize this training for a small group, medium group or your entire church. The training includes an initial consultation and four monthly 90-minute trainings. The training can be done in-person or over Zoom. Along with the training, I will pass on all of my notes and presentation material for you to replicate it in future cycles. Contact me today to get started.

Steal this website
You might like the way that this website can be a standalone training for your church. We can export and brand this website to operate as part of your training curriculum. In addition to giving you all of this material for your platform, we will set up a 90-minute consultation on how to train your fellowship through the “Reach Your Friends” curriculum. This type of training can serve as a passive, always available, 24-7 training for your fellowship or church.

Evangelism Consultation
We begin with a 60-minute consultation to understand your particular reality. From there, we will create a custom plan using “Reach Your Friends” to train and coach your fellowship in evangelism.

Equip your saints today!